Tools for Your Success
Access member-exclusive tools including Callahan’s Peer Express, our credit union directory, InfoSight, and more.
Carolinas Credit Union Foundation
For nearly 30 years, the Carolinas Credit Union Foundation has been a steadfast partner in philanthropy, working hand-in-hand with credit unions to uplift communities across the Carolinas. Explore the Foundation’s available resources that advance that mission through grants for disaster relief, technology advancement, education, and small credit union initiatives.
Affinity Discounts
Unlock discounts and complimentary tools designed to enhance your credit union’s operations and member experience. From compliance support to professional development—and even discounted Carowinds tickets for seasonal fun—these benefits deliver real value.
Peer Express
As a League member, you receive free access to Callahan's Peer Suite: Express. This tool streamlines performance analysis with easy-to-use dashboards, exportable reports, and star rankings. Whether you're a seasoned analyst or new to the organization, Peer Suite helps uncover opportunities and drive impactful results.
CU Directory
Looking for a credit union or specific credit union contact? As a League member, you can access our member portal to search our growing directory of credit union professionals in the Carolinas.
With InfoSight, League member credit unions have free access to a wealth of state- and federal-specific compliance insight, including details on recent statutes, regulations, court opinions, and more. Log in to InfoSight today using your League profile credentials to get started.
Small CU Resources
The League is committed to supporting the success of smaller credit unions in the Carolinas. We see small, low-income and newly chartered credit unions as essential to communities, and as occupants of niches other institutions are unable to fit.