Your credit union may not be able to prevent a disaster from occurring, but you can be ready when it happens. Security, data recovery, and peace of mind are priceless when faced with a catastrophic loss. RecoveryPro is here to help you implement a detailed Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for your credit union!
Consider RecoveryPro to help your credit union develop a BCP plan. The secure, web-based platform will:
✓ Analyze and Assess – Identify and prioritize business processes and assess risks and impacts of a range of event types
✓ Plan and Prepare – Develop plans, prepare to manage incidents, and recover your credit union when disaster strikes
✓ Validate and Maintain – Ensure your plans are effective and your teams are ready through testing, plan reviews, and updates
Navigate the complexities of business continuity planning with this revamped solution. League InfoSight’s RecoveryPro system was completely rebuilt in September 2021 and brings additional tools and functionality to develop, document, and implement your BCP.
Ready to try RecoveryPro?
Take advantage of cost savings on this BCP solution as a member of the Carolinas Credit Union League. Contact CCUL’s Jeanne Couchois today.
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