Stay Prepared, Stay Protected
Financial institutions must stay vigilant about a wide range of threats to assess and manage risks effectively. Use our shared resources, including cybersecurity, ERM, and vendor management insights, to develop a comprehensive hazard preparedness strategy.
- FFIEC: Cybersecurity Assessment Tool
- FFIEC: Cybersecurity Assessment – General Observations
- FFIEC: Cybersecurity Resource Guide for Financial Institutions
- Internet Crime Compliant Center (IC3)
NCUA Cybersecurity Center
The NCUA recognizes the importance of cyber security and using the web safely and securely. Its Cybersecurity Resources page is offered as a resource for research and informational purposes.
CCUL Risk Management Resources regularly collaborates with leading organizations in the cybersecurity space to bring current insight and resources to our member credit unions. Catch up on the latest webinars.
- Watch: CISA – Cybersecurity Services For Building Cyber Resilience (Passcode: 74R?tg!t); or Download slides (PDF)
- Watch: Cybersecurity for the Rest of Us
Dynamic Quest
In addition to offering an array of cybersecurity solutions, League partner Dynamic Quest invites member credit unions to utilize the following free resources to educate staff on best practices to be cyber smart:
- Dynamic Quest | Do Your Part. Be Cyber Smart. (poster)
Enterprise Risk Management
A private network within our member portal, the ERM Carolinas Group provides a platform to collaborate with peers and League staff to advance your enterprise-wide risk management processes.
From the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) perspective, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is a comprehensive approach for credit unions to identify, assess, and address risks that could impact their operations and financial stability. ERM involves developing strategies to mitigate risks in areas like cybersecurity, regulatory compliance, credit, and liquidity. By integrating risk management into all levels of decision-making, credit unions enhance their ability to protect members’ assets and maintain long-term resilience.
The NCUA Regulator’s Exam Guide offers great insight on this topic and examiners’ focus.
Credit Union Webinar Network (CUWN)
Through our partnership with CUWN, you have access to affordable virtual training on a range of ERM topics.
Vendor Management
- InfoSight: Vendor Due Diligence Guidance
- NCUA Letter: Evaluating Third Party Relationships – Legal Review
- NCUA Letter: Due Diligence Over Third Party Service Providers
Request to Join Our ERM Group
Join our ERM community in the Carolinas for the chance to collaborate with peers and League staff to advance your enterprise-wide risk management processes.
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